
Is Life Insurance Through Work Enough?

Is Life Insurance Through Work Enough?

Aug 27, 2020


Is Life Insurance Through Work Enough?
Having life insurance through work is a real perk to the job. It provides you with some coverage that helps to protect your family when you are no longer around to support them. Yet, you shouldn't just rely on your work-provided life coverage to safeguard your family's finances. Taking out your own third-party life insurance is essential. Here's why.   Your work's life insurance policy is probably not enough. Group life insurance is broad and there's no opportunity to customize your policy to your own needs. While your employer may offer you one or two times your salary, your family may need four or five times your income to get by financially. If you have sizeable debt, a family to support, and big future expenses, you will need another life insurance policy.   It will end when you leave the company. Most group life insurance policies are not portable when you leave your job. While you may have the chance to convert it into an individual policy, you'll have to pay the premiums your employer previously covered. There's also no guarantee that this is possible. You're better off securing your own policy now so that you can have it through every career move.   With your own policy, you can add riders. Riders are additional terms and conditions that enhance your coverage for specific situations. There are riders that allow you to accelerate the death benefit in the event of illness, get an additional benefit for the death of a spouse or child, or add more coverage for accidental death.   To learn more about how best to protect your family's future, contact the team at Bell Black Insurance. We can help you tend to your life insurance needs so that you get the best value for your money. We serve Idaho Falls, Island Park, Driggs, Victor, Swan Valley, Ashton, and the neighboring communities in Idaho, as well as Jackson and Star Valley in Wyoming.