Learn how to keep your business safe online.
The Internet can be a business's greatest asset, but it can also pose some very serious risks. For instance, the cost of a single data breach could be enough to make a business close their doors forever. To prevent issues like this, it's important for businesses to minimize their cyber liability risks. In honor of National Security Awareness Month, take these safety precautions to help your business reduce its online risk.
Train Your Employees
One of the easiest ways to reduce your risk of a cyber security issue is to train your employees. A proper cyber security training program should include the safety protocols for storing login information and changing passwords regularly. Additionally, your training program should teach employees how to work off of their personal devices without compromising your business's cyber security.
Check Your Security
Another way to minimize your business's cyber liability risks is to make sure that your security protocols and systems are all up to date. All a hacker needs is a small gap in your security to hack into your business's sensitive information. That's why it's so important to conduct regular assessments of your business's safety practices. A good way to do this is to test out different scenarios and flag any weaknesses in your systems. Address these issues immediately to make sure your security protocols are airtight.
Update Your Equipment
Finally, a good way to reduce your online risk is to make sure your business is using the right equipment. For instance, many businesses operate using consumer-grade routers. While consumer-grade routers are appropriate for family use, they do not provide the right security features to keep a business safe. If a hacker gains remote access to a consumer-grade router, they would have no trouble accessing the information that passes through it every day. To prevent this from happening, upgrade your business to a commercial-grade router. While more expensive, these routers provide the necessary safety features to keep hackers out.
These are just a few of the ways you can reduce your business's cyber liability risks. Another way to make sure your business stays safe is to have the right commercial insurance. To find the right policy for your needs,
contact the experts at Bell Black Insurance. We serve all insurance needs for those in Idaho Falls, Island Park, Driggs, Victor, Swan Valley, Ashton, and the neighboring communities in Idaho, as well as Jackson and Star Valley in Wyoming.