
Renovations and Your Homeowners Insurance Policy: What's Included?

Renovations and Your Homeowners Insurance Policy: What's Included?

May 22, 2024


Home renovations and insurance

Amidst the excitement of planning and executing renovations, it's essential to consider how your homeowners insurance policy factors into the equation. Understanding what's included in your homeowners insurance coverage during renovations can help you mitigate risks and ensure adequate protection for your investment. Let's explore the key aspects of homeowners insurance coverage related to renovations.

Reviewing Your Policy Coverage

While homeowners insurance typically provides coverage for property damage and liability risks, the extent of coverage may vary depending on the scope of the renovations and any associated risks. Here's what to consider:

  1. Property Damage Coverage: Your homeowners insurance policy likely covers damage to your home's structure and contents caused by covered perils, such as fire, windstorm, or vandalism. However, it's essential to notify your insurance provider before starting renovations to ensure that your coverage remains in place during construction activities.

  2. Additional Structures Coverage: If your renovation project involves constructing or adding new structures, such as a garage, deck, or swimming pool, it's important to verify whether these structures are covered under your homeowners insurance policy. You may need to adjust your coverage limits or add endorsements to ensure adequate protection for new additions.

  3. Liability Coverage: Homeowners insurance typically includes liability coverage, which protects you against lawsuits arising from injuries or property damage to third parties occurring on your property. During renovations, there is an increased risk of accidents or injuries to contractors, subcontractors, or visitors on your property. Ensure your liability coverage is sufficient to address potential risks associated with renovation activities.

Understanding Coverage Limitations

Here are some common limitations to be aware of:

  1. Vacancy Exclusions: Some homeowners insurance policies may include vacancy exclusions, which restrict coverage for properties that are unoccupied or under renovation for extended periods. If your home will be vacant during renovations, notify your insurance provider to discuss options for maintaining coverage.

  2. Builder's Risk Insurance: Depending on the scale and duration of your renovation project, you may need to consider purchasing builder's risk insurance, also known as renovation or construction insurance. Builder's risk insurance covers property damage and theft during construction activities and is designed to fill gaps in coverage under homeowners insurance policies.

  3. Permit Requirements: Before starting renovations, check local building codes and permit requirements to ensure compliance with regulations. Failure to obtain necessary permits or adhere to building codes could affect insurance coverage and result in claim denials.

Tips for Protecting Your Investment

To minimize risks and ensure adequate protection for your renovation project, consider the following tips:

  • Notify Your Insurance Provider: Inform your insurance provider before starting renovations to discuss any changes or adjustments to your homeowners insurance policy that may be necessary to maintain coverage during construction activities.

  • Document Renovation Activities: Keep detailed records of renovation plans, contracts, invoices, and receipts, as well as photographs or videos documenting the progress of the project. This documentation can be invaluable in the event of a claim or dispute with contractors or insurance providers.

  • Review Contractor Insurance Coverage: Ensure that contractors and subcontractors working on your renovation project carry their own insurance coverage, including liability insurance and workers' compensation insurance. Request certificates of insurance as proof of coverage before work begins.

  • Secure the Property: Take steps to protect your property and personal belongings during renovations, such as securing construction sites, storing valuable items off-site, and implementing safety measures to prevent accidents or theft.

Get Tailored Homeowners Insurance Solutions with Bell Black Insurance

At Bell Black Insurance, we specialize in providing tailored insurance solutions to meet your unique needs. Whether you're planning a home renovation project or looking to review your homeowners insurance coverage, our experienced agents are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our insurance offerings and take proactive steps to protect your home and belongings. Call us at 866-784-8496 for further assistance.