Determine if you need rental car insurance.
With every car rental transaction comes the slightly uncomfortable moment when the agent behind the counter tries to sell the company's auto insurance on you. In some cases, taking out this insurance is a smart financial choice. However, it's not always necessary to do so. To help you decide if you need rental car insurance for your next journey, read on.
Know what your car insurance covers.
Before you rent, find out what your personal auto insurance offers, and then supplement what they don't provide through the rental agency. If you have personal car insurance with comprehensive and liability, it will most likely cover your rental car. Call your insurance company to be sure.
Check your health insurance policy.
If you've got adequate health insurance, the rental company's personal accident insurance may not be necessary. This is especially true if you also have medical payments and/or personal injury protection through your regular car insurance.
Review your home insurance.
It's always worth double-checking, but your home insurance policy should cover your belongings wherever you take them, even if they're stolen from a rental car. Because of this, it's usually safe to decline the rental company's personal effects coverage. Just remember to check the limits of your personal coverage, which may require extra riders for certain valuables, such as expensive cameras and jewelry.
Don't be fooled into thinking you need to take out all insurance coverages with the rental company. Call your insurer to verify if you're lacking any coverage that could mean your rental car journey is exposed. For the right insurance policies for your needs,
contact the experts at Bell Black Insurance. We serve all insurance needs for those in Idaho Falls, Island Park, Driggs, Victor, Swan Valley, Ashton, and the neighboring communities in Idaho, as well as Jackson and Star Valley in Wyoming.