Improve your teen's confidence behind the wheel by teaching them how to handle these tricky situations.
Not all of us take to driving like a duck to water. In fact, learning how to drive takes rigorous hard work, many hours of practice, and adopting a whole new skillset. While the professional instructor will teach your teen how to drive and obey the rules of the road, you can help, too. As a parent, it's a new and exciting time for your child and yourself. Improve the confidence and skills of your teen behind the wheel by teaching them how to handle these encounters.
Different Intersections
One way streets, unprotected left turns, flashing yellow lights, busy crosswalks€¦ There's plenty of different stoplights to learn. Even though certain intersections can be trickier than others, practicing them will help your teen driver to learn about staying aware of pedestrians, turning vehicles, and gauging when they can make a turn.
Drive Alternate Routes
If you have a teen driver in the house, you may put them behind the wheel as often as you can. This is a great way for him or her to learn valuable skills on the road. The only drawback, however, is that they can quickly get familiar with the same routes and challenges. Mix it up by driving to a different grocery store or direct them home on an alternative route. It does a driver good to face new challenges!
Nighttime Driving
Many teens only drive during the day, so they may struggle when they get behind the wheel after nightfall. Driving at night has its dangers, from decreased visibility to drowsiness. It's smart to take your teen out driving on a quiet weekday night to get them familiar and comfortable with driving around at night. Talk to your teen about the dangers and remind them to always have their headlights on and to eliminate distractions.
Keep your teenage driver safe on the roads by helping them to develop smart skills. Additionally, secure
auto insurance that can help.
Visit Bell Black Insurance for your custom car insurance policy. We serve those in Idaho Falls, Island Park, Driggs, Victor, Swan Valley, Ashton, and the neighboring communities in Idaho, as well as Jackson and Star Valley in Wyoming.