
Sneak More Fruits and Vegetables into Your Diet with These Tips

Sneak More Fruits and Vegetables into Your Diet with These Tips

Jul 16, 2020

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Sneak More Fruits and Vegetables into Your Diet with These Tips
We are all aware of how beneficial fruits and vegetables are for our health. Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and wholesome goodness, these foods are essential to include in our daily diet. While some of us have no trouble eating plenty each day, others struggle to get down a handful of fruits and vegetables. Since July is National Fruits and Vegetables Months, we've come up with some sure-fire ways to sneak these foods into your meals to benefit your health.   Add them to sauces When making a curry, bolognese, or stew, throw in some finely chopped vegetables. Mushrooms, onions, leeks, celery, sweet potato, and tomatoes work well in a variety of dishes and are great for your health.   Swap out the meat Instead of using mince meat to make burgers or lasagne, use grilled mushrooms. They are fantastic at taking on the herbs and spices you would normally use, have a meaty texture when grilled, and are a healthier choice.   Whizz up a smoothie Smoothies are a wonderful way to reach your recommended intake of fruit and vegetables. Blend up a banana with a handful of frozen berries and some spinach. Try a delicious green smoothie made up of kale, avocado, cucumber, and a banana for sweetness. There are so many recipes to try!   From Bell Black Insurance, we hope that these tips help you to include more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. For any questions about your insurance, contact us today.